Thursday, 1 December 2011

A winter walk in the Scottish borders!

Hello everybody, happy 1st of December! Hope you enjoyed the first chocolate in your advent calendar, which, of course, is what it's all about! People say Christmas is for children but I disagree completely and I absolutely always will!

Now, I know I said this blog would be mostly about writing, books etc etc and it will be but I'm sure I said there would be a bit of life in general thrown in as well, so this post is a little of that. I hope you enjoy!

I'm lucky enough to spend a lot of time in the Scottish borders, my mum lives just outside a teeny tiny village half way between the Berwickshire coast  and the Lammermuir Hills - actually, there you go, there is a book connection to this post after all. Sir Walter Scott's novel The Bride of Lammermuir is set in this area and for anybody who hasn't heard of these hills I'd definitely recommend a visit to them if you're ever in this neck of the woods. They're really beautiful and, in my opinion, at their MOST beautiful in early autumn, when there's still a little heather in bloom and the ferns are turning the exact colour of burnt toast, lovely!

Anyway, today the four of us, me, my mother and the two dogs - Domino, a little rescue working cocker spaniel who acts like butter wouldn't melt but I know the truth and a black lab called Grace, or hooligan depending on the day - set off over the surrounding fields for an extra long walk after the torrential rain and strong strong winds of the last couple of days and it was lovely. Freezing, of course, ear muff freezing but sunny, really sunny, in fact, which was gorgeous, reminding us that this time last year we were snowed in and had been for a week or so. Which I loved! Does that make me crazy? Probably but that's nothing new now, really is it?

Right, I'm going to shut up now and try and figure out how to upload/download? the photos, I've been told it's easy but I very much doubt it. I've been promised that before but people lie! If I do happen to post them, however, I hope you enjoy them!

Bye for now,

Dorothy xxx

Loved the colours in this one!

Talk about looking guilty, I've yet to find out what she done!

Grace behaving, I don't understand!

Pretty self explanatory really - winter sun through the trees, I'm sure you get it!

I love this bridge, apparently the stones were taken from the nearby Bonkle Castle! Bonkle, how great a name is that!